XXX: Xxx Xxx Xxx

XXX1, XXX1,2, XXX1,2
1University of XXX, 2University of XXX

XXX short description of teaser video.


We present xxx.



Method Overview


Visual Effects

Using nerfies you can create fun visual effects. This Dolly zoom effect would be impossible without nerfies since it would require going through a wall.


As a byproduct of our method, we can also solve the matting problem by ignoring samples that fall outside of a bounding box during rendering.

Related Work

There's a lot of excellent work that was introduced around the same time as ours.

Progressive Encoding for Neural Optimization introduces an idea similar to our windowed position encoding for coarse-to-fine optimization.


      title   = {XXX},
      author  = {XXX},
      journal = {XXX},
      year    = {2021},